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What Our Eminent Persons Say

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My heartfelt compliments to Dr Vasanth Kumar Thimakapura, for sharing his life time experiences and brilliant expertise for the benefit of the farmers and students, for a healthy and happy India.
Dr. S. Ayyappan
Former Secretary - DARE & Director General, ICAR, Government of India, Chancellor, Central Agricultural University, Manipur Chairman, Karnataka ScienceTechnology Academy, Bangalore
My heartfelt compliments to Dr Vasanth Kumar Thimakapura, for sharing his life time experiences and brilliant expertise for the benefit of the farmers and students, for a healthy and happy India.
Dr. S. Ayyappan
Former Secretary - DARE & Director General, ICAR, Government of India, Chancellor, Central Agricultural University, Manipur Chairman, Karnataka ScienceTechnology Academy, Bangalore
This is a must own reference book worth its weight in Gold for students, teachers seed industry professionals and every one interested in plant health.
Dr. Sharan Angadi
Renowned Agri Scientist sharanang@gmail.com
Dr. Vasanth Kumar Thimakapura has compiled an important and unique practical manual describing the diagnosis and management of plant growth deficiencies, diseases, and insect pests in his book- ‘Plant Doctor’.
Dr. H. Shekar Shetty
Professor Emeritus Downy Mildew Research Laboratory Manasagangotri Mysore
‘Plant Doctor’ authored by Dr. Vasanth Kumar Thimakapura is a monumental book. Beauty and brain is a formidable combination. This book is a perfect confluence of both. Enormous information on the symptoms of a number of major plant diseases and pests as well as nutritional deficiencies along with suggestions for their remedial measures are embodied in this book.
Dr. T. M. Manjunath
Renowned Agricultural Scientist
My heartfelt compliments to Dr Vasanth Kumar Thimakapura, for sharing his life time experiences and brilliant expertise for the benefit of the farmers and students, for a healthy and happy India.
Dr. S. Ayyappan
Dr. S. Ayyappan
‘The Plant Doctor’ is none other than Dr. Vasanth Kumar Thimakapura, who has earned this title, and he is often called “Rytha Bandhu” (Farmers’ Friend).
Dr. C. L. Lakshmipathi Gowda
Former Deputy Director General, International Crop Research Institute for Semi Aril Tropics (ICRISAT) Hyderabad
This book is like a “Bhagavadgeetha” OR “Bible” of plant pathology. This book go a long way in solving plant diseases and protection. Hope this book is going to reduce the misery of farmers to greater extent.
Dr. Sukanya Sunuganahalli
Renowned Agri Scientist

Plant Doctor - The Book

Practical Manual for Diagnosis & Management of Deficiencies, Diseases & Insect Pests