Insight of PLANT DOCTOR book
Plant Doctor Book is referred to as Encyclopedia or a Hand Book for Student, Teacher, Farmers and Researchers. That is due to the following reason
- Appropriate Content
- HD Images with respect to every chapter dealt in the book
- Short and Effective bulletin description
- Solution to every problem within this 305 pages book

Chapters of the book
Manures and Fertilizers
Nutritional deficiencies – Diagnosis and Management
Ready Reckoners for chemical insecticides and fungicides

What does PLANT DOCTOR book Consist of?
Crop Diseases - Diagnosis and Management
Crop pests
Integrated Insect and Disease Management (IIDM)
New concepts in disease management
The story behind the making of this book is very curious
The Idea Conceived with the resources vasanth had in his forte
High Skill
skilled photography of vasanth made many practical work realistic
As people quoted it as 'Encyclopedia'. it has very thing for the one who even thinks about agriculture
Proper Care
Zeal, Knowledge, Perseverance and Passion

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The Giants
Let real testimonials do the speaking!
Here are our high designated people speaking about the book – PLANT DOCTOR

This is a disorder Blossom End Rot found in chilly!
Questions & Answers
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What is Blossom End Rot Disease?
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What is the reason for Blossom End Rot Disease?
Isn't this photo fantastic?
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