

Practical Manual for Diagnosis & Management of Deficiencies, Diseases & Insect Pests

Insight of the Book

The Plant Doctor is a monumental book, a plethora of information and a treasure trove of high definition images of disease and nutrient deficiency symptoms.


Glimpse of the book


Global access  towards knowledge about plant life on Earth


The time is a challenge, but an opportunity created wasn’t missed


The power of creativity favored in shaping the research experience


The promises outcome accomplished


The dedication and efforts with heights of recognition

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Tons Of Goods
Tree plant

High Flyers

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This is a disorder Blossom End Rot found in chilly!

Questions & Answers

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Use this space to answer the commonly asked question you’ve mentioned above. Make sure your answer is accurate and understandable by your users. Although you need to keep this short, your answer should contain all the details to match your user expectations.

Use this space to answer the commonly asked question you’ve mentioned above. Make sure your answer is accurate and understandable by your users. Although you need to keep this short, your answer should contain all the details to match your user expectations.